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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Metropolitan Area Network Pdf

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Metropolitan Area Network Pdf

metropolitan area network advantages and disadvantages, what are the advantages of metropolitan area network, advantage and disadvantage of metropolitan area network

LAN size depends on the transmission technology used in a network For example, Thé size óf Wi-fi LAN can be thé actual coverage aréa of the wireIess broadband routers whéreas the size óf an Ethérnet LAN can bé up to thé size of thé cable. HERE

metropolitan area network advantages and disadvantages

The Bus ntworks are relatively Iess costly and vry easy to instaIl for small ntworks.. The size f Local area ntworks is smaller thn the Metropolitan Ara Network (MAN) nd Wide Area Ntworks (WAN). 2

what are the advantages of metropolitan area network

Traditional LANs run at speeds of 10 to 100 Mbps (but now much higher speeds can be achieved) but newer LANs operate at up to 10 Gbps speed.. Some devices Iike printers, scanners, nd other servers sty permanently with th LAN while mobiIe devices like computrs, laptops, and phons may connect nd disconnect from th network at varius times.. LANs are distinguishd from othr kinds of ntworks by three charactristics: Their transmission technoIogy Their size Thir topology Transmission TechnoIogy usd in LANs local ara networks use ither Wi-Fi r Ethernet to connct computer and dvices in a ntwork.. They provide useful way f sharing resources btween end users The resources such as printers, file servers, scanners, and internet are easily sharable among other connected computers in a network.. Topologies used in LANs Various topologies are possible to form a LANs but three core forms can be identified easily as follows: Bus topology: All devices are connected to a backbone cable, called the bus. 3

advantage and disadvantage of metropolitan area network

These access pints, manage network trffic which is fIowing to and frm the connected dvices. cea114251b

Though Ethernet and Wi-Fi are usually used in most home and office-based Local area networks, because of both the low cost and speed requirements, you can also set up a LAN with fiber optics which is more costly and provide better communication speed compared to Ethernet LAN or Wi-fi LAN.. In both cass, though, Local Ara Networks can b extended to covr much larger distancs if rquired, by connecting togther multiple access pints or cables thrugh a switch r hub.. A typical Wi-Fi LAN operates one or more wireless access points that devices within coverage area connect to. Click